Cutlery again!

Written by Cath Moyse - Wed 29th Jan 2025

The first task was to paint the 7mm wide edges of the cutouts in pale grey. This was a lot more difficult than it sounds as it was crucial not to get any light grey paint on the black backs that we’d painted a fortnight ago. (Easier said than done). 

Silence descended and you could have heard a pin drop as we all frowned in concentration over this delicate and time-consuming task. I think more paint ended up on my hands and my coat than on the actual cutlery. 

After half an hour of labouring, Beth had the inspirational idea of swapping the thin paint brush for a 2” wide brush and coating the edges with perpendicular strokes. This method proved to be much quicker and resulted in less overrun of grey paint onto the black backs. We all sighed with relief as the tension eased and we felt able to start chatting again.

Having mastered the edges, painting the flat front faces in light grey was a cinch. Once dry the front faces will be decorated with glitter swirls so that they will twinkle and shine under the performance lights. 

To see our sparkling cutlery in action get your tickets for Beauty and The Beast at

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