A sneak peak at a rehearsal for Dick Whittington!
Written by Cath Moyse - Mon 7th Feb 2022
The action is set in London and the deserts of Pashturk. As well as the usual women dressed as men, men dressed as women, comedy duo and evil villain, this show also features a mechanical dog and a haunted armchair.
The Dick Whittington story is brought up to date with 21st century references to Facebook and Zumba classes, but the script writers have managed to include a nod to Shakespeare's Shylock and his "Hath not a Jew eyes" speech from The Merchant of Venice.
Props and costumes are starting to appear and the prompter is being called upon less and less. It's amazing how just the addition of a top hat and twirling cane transforms the Lord Chamberlain (boo! hiss!) into an evil menace. I can't wait to see the cartwheeling Alley Cats in full costume - they will look amazing. The Skater's Waltz by the children's chorus should also be a visual treat.
There is plenty of thigh slapping and audience participation. The Lord Chamberlain's two henchmen - Wormwood and Scrubs - provide no end of Keystone Kop style slap stick comedy gems. The messy scene featuring an Italian chef, a string of sausages, eggs and flour is a sure recipe for disaster.
So get your tickets, swot up on Cockney rhyming slang and come along to Cooper School ready to sing, dance and wave your glow sticks.
Tickets cost £10 - £14 for Adults and £5 - £7 for Children.
Performance times:
Wednesday 23rd February: 7:30pm
Thursday 24th February: 10:30am and 2:30pm
Friday 25th February: 2:30pm and 7:30pm
Saturday 26th February: 2:30pm and 7:30pm
All performance are in Cooper School Performance Hall, Bicester, OX26 4RS
All profits are given to charity.